The logo for cdn trust is blue and green with a green arrow.
A black and white logo for teen adventure camps with mountains in the background.

Teens Camp Registration


    Teens Camp Saturday 31st November - Sunday 1st December

    What can you expect at camp?

    AND MORE...

    A more detailed gear list will be sent to those offered a place on camp. There is no special equipment needed for this camp, appropriate clothing & footwear for activities alongside personal toiletries and bedding for an overnight
    camp are all that will be required.

    Food / Drink / Snacks / Lollies etc
    Devices (Cellphones, Smartwatches, Tablets etc) Cigarettes / Vapes / Drugs / Alcohol / Weapons Or any other illegal or age restricted items

    CDN Trust camps periodically incorporate one or more marae-style teams. This means that these teams participate in all the normal camp activities, but additionally may have some extra cultural elements, will sleep in an mixed-gender room which will have an open environment with experienced leaders. Separate, individual, gender-neutral cubicles are available for all changing, toilets and showering. No one is to change clothes in the open-cabin environment. Please select an option below to let us know whether your child can be included in one of these teams if we are running Marae-style teams on this camp.

    Please Note: It is CDN Trust policy that in order to make camp a safe, enjoyable and inclusive place for all children, if your child is gender-neutral, trans-gender, is more comfortable in an open-mixed environment or for any reason needs access to an individual changing area then the marae-style team/camp would be best for them. If any of these apply to your child please select the “Definitely Yes” option below. Whilst we are striving to accommodate all young people and their needs on all camps, unfortunately we are unable to offer marae-style teams on all of our camps. If by your preference or our policy, the marae-style team would be required for your young person, we may ask you to register them for our next camp which can accommodate them instead. Please get in touch with the camp director if you would like to discuss further.

    [Select one option when filling in online registration form]
    1. DEFINITELY YES (my child should be in a marae-style team)
    2. YES (my child can be included in a marae-style team)
    3. NO (A marae-style team would not be suitable for my child on this camp)

    Staff and volunteers are trained in health and safety and leadership skills. We will always have at least one Leader trained in first aid on every program. This event is for high school students who are in years 9, 10, 11, 12 or 13
    Staff to child ratio is max 1:10 (Leader/Camper) for activities at a base, and 1:6 for programme's away from a specific venue.

    We are a Christian organisation and we will share some biblical principles on this programme.

    The event will proceed regardless of the weather, however some activities are weather and availability dependent. If we are forced to change activities due to weather or other circumstances we cannot refund fees. Young people must wear proper, appropriate and safe clothing for all activities. Cancellation due to other circumstances outside our control are unlikely but possible, if this is the case we will communicate via email and phone/text message as soon as possible and be in touch regarding refunds where applicable.

    Please be aware that because safety is our first consideration our policy needs to be strictly adhered to. Parents will be phoned if their children are causing disruption to the programme. Parents must be able to pick up their child from events/camps/programmes if necessary. Where serious harm may occur the child/children will be removed immediately.

    If camp is full, you will be put on a waiting list. We reserve the right to accept or decline registrations on the basis of prior recent attendance, special need and specific programme requirements.

    We gather your personal information, including name, contact information and interactions with us, for the purposes of administration, assessment and reporting. This information will be used in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. This information may be shared with other organisations including venue and external program providers for health & safety and administrative purposes. We may discuss your child's needs and well-being with their school or nominating organisation. We may also send you updates about future CDN camps and programmes. You may opt-out of these updates at any time. While providing some information is optional, most of the information we ask for is required in order to register you for our programmes. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong.

    CDN may take audio and visual images during our programmes for promotional, funding and administrative purposes. It is the Trust’s policy that any photos for publication are positive depictions of the attendees and will be used in such a way to preserve anonymity. Please advise CDN if you have any concerns about the publication of your child's photo.

    In the event that you have a suggestion, concern or complaint please contact the CDN manager: or 03-942-3434 or post to: The Manager, CDN Trust, 44 Elizabeth St, Riccarton 8041


    [By registering your child for camp you give consent for CDN Trust/Staff the following permissions and understand that:]
    CDN may take photos/video during activities for promotional use (including posting appropriate photos/videos to CDN webpages & Facebook)
    CDN may send you information about future CDN activities
    Authorise any medical care urgently required
    I understand that the staff and supervisors will exercise all care in running the programme, but realize accidents can happen.
    I understand that my child will be responsible for his/her property and behaviour while part of the program & if asked I will come and pick up my child.
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