Thanks for being an awesome volunteer
Questions, comments, thoughts, feelings, emotions? Feel free to get in touch with Jasper 0221112626
At the end of camp we really want you to let us know how the campers went by filling out this form
Want to learn some actions to camp songs before camp? check out our own CDN volunteers showing you the actions here as well as this version of O Happy Day
We have got some Origami paper for the Chill zone, here’s some handy instructions on things you can make with it.
We also have a leaders page with some fancy videos showing you how to leader your campers when they are setting up the dining room, and cleaning the bathrooms check it out here and use the password camprocks
(Plus there’s also photos from previous camps)
Want to play some sick beats during camp. Just put on shuffle and let it play
Time till campers arrive
Camps all go !!
Time till the campers go home
Community Development Network Trust is a Christian-based youth work agency based in Riccarton Community Church. We work with young people throughout the Christchurch community but are based primarily in the Riccarton and Hornby areas.