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9 Square in the air

9 Square in the air is a fun mix of 4 square and volleyball.

The player in the center square serves the ball to any other square. The player receiving the ball must hit the ball out the top of their square and into another square. Each player is allowed to hit the ball only once per turn. Play continues in this manner until someone is eliminated.

A player is out if:

  • They fail to return the ball to another player's square.
  • They hit the ball outside the entire game structure.
  • They double hit the ball.
  • The player who is eliminated will exit the game and get in line and wait to re-enter the game.

The remaining players will advance forward in a clockwise manner to fill the empty square, and a new player will enter square one.

lady holding a ball at 9 square in the air
Shows how rotation works in 9 square in the air.
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