The logo for cdn trust is blue and green with a green arrow.

Collab 2023

 11th-13th August 2023

Woodend Christian Camp 124 Woodend Beach Road

A calendar with a lot of numbers on it

What is Camp Collab?

Like the name suggests Camp Collab is a Collaborative event hosted by CDN, Living Springs and Rise, at Woodend Christian Camp.

This year we will be looking at all of the whys behind camp, with a series of workshops lead by people from CDN, Living Springs, Rise and some special guests from across Christian Camping. Keep an eye out for more info on the people who will be leading workshops.

Collab is a chance for leaders in Christian Camping to gather, fellowship, be equiped and worship together. There is a camp fee of $80 for the weekend, If our camp fee would stop you from coming please get in contact with your camp leader and we will do our best to get you there!


A person is holding a cup of coffee in their hand.

Speakers from across Christian Camping

This year we will be joined by Tom Dravitzki Christian Camping NZs Leadership Coordinator

Amazing Food

From Saturday Breakfast to Sunday Lunch time we will be eating yummy food from the Woodend Catering Team.

Fun & Games

Heaps of fun including a dress-up dinner on Saturday!

Great Memories

Reflect on what camp was like "back in the day" and dream about what camp can be

Workshop Leaders

Collab Videos

Collab Photos

Sign Up Now

A logo for rise cdn trust and living springs
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